Introducing a summary of the key benefits of the SMART LIVING BLV@Horní Měcholupy apartment building. There’s a lot to choose from!
VDo you know how forced ventilation works, and why it is important for satisfactory living? Air conditioning with pollen filters capture particulate matter from the air. You can then avoid excess humidity and the appearance of mould, mites and other pathogens. This means you won’t get such a headache and you won’t suffer from allergies, migraine or breathing difficulties. But air recovery is not the only tool included in the Smart Living concept helping you feel more secure and healthier.
Imagine you could control your home easily from anywhere in the world. So you don’t waste money heating your home when no-one is there but still return to a pleasantly warm environment. And in the summer heat, your apartment will be fully ventilated before you step in.
Preparations for intelligent apartment control will be included in every apartment within the SMART LIVING BLV project, and it will be solely up to you whether you take advantage of this modern convenience or not.
What else does the Horní Měcholupy neighbourhood offer? The post office is just a few metres from the building. Also nearby are a number of playgrounds. It is a pleasant maximum eight-minute walk to nursery and elementary schools and the adjacent sports ground. There are convenience stores and restaurants within five minutes. And if you want to do a big shop, there’s nothing simpler than setting out for the nearby shopping zone in Štěrboholy.
SMART LIVING BLV@Horní Měcholupy has a building energy performance rating of Band B, with the use of materials this requires. Trigema emphasizes the use of high quality materials and working methods which secure building residents the long lifetime of their new home.
MoreIn co-operation with Trigema, architect Daniel Smitka has prepared a project design which best suits family living needs in the neighbourhood. The result is a model apartment building suitable for urban living. All apartment benefits in the project will be appreciated by those who are to live there. Besides your private home, you can also use the semi-public terrace areas on Level 2.
More@ TRIGEMA, a.s. 2015-2025
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